Willows Website

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

24 Weeks

I am now 24 weeks and love it. Not that I don't remember the second month and how sick I felt but that is gone now. I feel great, have tons of energy and love my bump. Willow is pretty much an active baby from the time I get off work around 7pm-10pm. She also wakes up when I eat breakfast around 9am. I have no idea what she could be doing in my tummy but she finds time to move around a bunch. She really loves the sound of Billy's voice and when she hears him, she kicks. I got my first video of her kicking this weekend and posted it to YOUTUBE if you want to check it out. I am pretty calm these days, not my normal anxious self. I notice more and more people around me that always seem to be freaking out over things that are little and not a big deal. Thank you God, I have not had headaches throughout my pregnancy which is what I was the most worried about going into this. I would say that my hormone level during pregnancy is the best it could be. I am not very emotional and I do not have many cravings that are bad. I find out for sure how much I weigh at my doctors appointment tomorrow but I am pretty sure I still weigh at least a pound less than before I was pregnant. I guess my only big complaint would be my lower back and hip pain. The only other thing that sometimes bothers me is the baby hair on my tummy and side of my face...but if that is it, I am doing Pretty Good! I have been checking out Child Home Care providers yesterday and today. It would be great to find someone now and not have to think about it again until June 2011 when I go back to work. I would like for her to keep the same sitter until she goes to pre-k or kindergarten. We went to my work Christmas party this past Saturday so I can share those pics. Enjoy.

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