Willows Website

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Prenatal Cradle

The best Christmas gift that Billy got me. The Prenatal Cradle, it reduces back pain and abdominal straining. I have worn it all day. LOVE IT!

Product Features

* Reduces back pain and abdominal straining
* Ideal for twins, triplets, and quads
* Shoulder bands stay put for fashion conscious Moms
* Cool, comfortable open abdomen to apply lotion for stretching tummy
* Hook & eye closures for a safe and secure fit

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

24 Weeks

I am now 24 weeks and love it. Not that I don't remember the second month and how sick I felt but that is gone now. I feel great, have tons of energy and love my bump. Willow is pretty much an active baby from the time I get off work around 7pm-10pm. She also wakes up when I eat breakfast around 9am. I have no idea what she could be doing in my tummy but she finds time to move around a bunch. She really loves the sound of Billy's voice and when she hears him, she kicks. I got my first video of her kicking this weekend and posted it to YOUTUBE if you want to check it out. I am pretty calm these days, not my normal anxious self. I notice more and more people around me that always seem to be freaking out over things that are little and not a big deal. Thank you God, I have not had headaches throughout my pregnancy which is what I was the most worried about going into this. I would say that my hormone level during pregnancy is the best it could be. I am not very emotional and I do not have many cravings that are bad. I find out for sure how much I weigh at my doctors appointment tomorrow but I am pretty sure I still weigh at least a pound less than before I was pregnant. I guess my only big complaint would be my lower back and hip pain. The only other thing that sometimes bothers me is the baby hair on my tummy and side of my face...but if that is it, I am doing Pretty Good! I have been checking out Child Home Care providers yesterday and today. It would be great to find someone now and not have to think about it again until June 2011 when I go back to work. I would like for her to keep the same sitter until she goes to pre-k or kindergarten. We went to my work Christmas party this past Saturday so I can share those pics. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Willows Favorite Foods in my Belly

I am fine with saying that my cravings are the food that Willow likes.
She is a pretty healthy baby so far.....

Watermelon is her favorite.

Sunflowers Seeds started at 21 weeks.

Pinapples Always.

Oranges the 1st trimester.

Apples DAILY the entire 2nd trimester.

Chex Mix the 2nd Trimester.

Carrots are her night time snack.

Potaoes and Cheese the entire 1st Trimester.

Redvines are the really bad thing she likes but daddy refuses to let her mommy buy the big plastic container of them. P.S. They ARE FAT FREE.

1st Aqua Fitness Night

I was only in the pool 30 minutes but I was so tired afterwards that I sat in the Hot Tub for 15 minutes to relax. Yes, my doctor says it is okay to get in the hot tub.

During pregnancy, the weightless feeling of being submerged in water provides welcome relief to the pressure from your increasing body weight. This is not the only benefit of participating in aqua fitness when you are pregnant. With your doctor's permission and with a few safety techniques, you can continue to enjoy water fitness throughout each trimester of your pregnancy.

Aqua Fitness & Pregnancy Benefits

Cardiovascular Exercise
Swimming and other water workouts are considered cardiovascular exercise. This means that you are strengthening your heart and lungs while working out. Expect your heart rate to increase, but keep it within a moderate exertion level. You should be able to talk without stopping to catch your breath.

Your pregnancy: 23 weeks

How your baby's growing:
Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Headphones on Belly for 1st time today

Willow is listening to the headphones for the first time today.

Her first songs:
Back to Decemeber by Taylor Swift - no movement
Do you Remember by Jack Johnson - no movement
I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat - some movement
Bubble Toes by Jack Johnson - some more movement
So, of course I had to try Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It) by Beyonce - most movement

Monday, December 13, 2010

How we chose the name Willow

In English the meaning of the name Willow is: slender;graceful.
From the willow tree noted for slender graceful branches and leaves.

It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Grace is: favor;blessing.
A virtue name referring to God's grace.

One of the meanings of Willow is graceful which was clever since her middle name is Grace. Bill actually came up with the first name and added the middle name Brandy liked.

Willow Grace will be a true blessing.

Brandy loves the Willow Tree Collection:

The Willow Tree Angel Collection:

The Willow Tree Collection:

The Willow Tree is beautiful:

Willows Diapers

The diapers we have decided we are going to use for Willow are Gro Via.
You can even buy them at Costco.
Gro Via Website
BumRite Website
Costco Website

Gro Via System Features
The Gro Via™ one-size diaper is a revolution in cloth diapering. Our innovative shell design minimizes diaper waste and cost.

•Grows with Baby
•Adjustable Rise Snaps
•Reusable Outer Shell
•Removable Soaker Pad
•Less waste in our landfills
•Healthier for baby

•Biodegradable and Compostable
•Breathable & Hypo-Allergenic
•Fragrance & Dye-Free
•Plastic Free
•Chlorine Free

Baby Registry

If you would like to see our registries:

Link to Target Registry

Link to Babies "R" Us Registry

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Little Willow

Willows 1st 3D ultrasound. Can you tell who she looks like at 15 weeks?


The day we found out we were having a girl, we had the pink ready.


Willow's Nursery bedding... To see a video of the nursery tour click the video on this page.

Billy and I made the name Willow to hang it in her room. I think we did a good job considering we had no idea what we were doing.

How we told the family we were pregnant. (We made baby onsies and sent them to everyone on Grandparents Day) Awh!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Keeping others up to date with Willow

Since so many of our family and friends live out of state we have decided to start a blog for our little Willow. We have some videos posted along the side of the blog and we will add pictures as they come.

We also started her website when we first annouced we were pregnant you can check that site out as well: Willows First Website